When you discover that either you or your partner is expecting a baby, the last medical professional you probably think of visiting is your dentist.
This profession may be overlooked in the world of prenatal care, but all midwives and doctors will advise you that it is imperative to keep up dental appointments while you are pregnant. This will ensure that you have a healthy pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby.
In this article, the reasons you should visit your dentist while pregnant will be explored to learn more about how much pregnancy impacts oral health.
1. Pregnancy Gingivitis
The increase in progesterone and estrogen, which occurs during pregnancy, can put women at a higher risk of developing pregnancy gingivitis. This is exactly what it sounds like! Your gums and oral tissues may swell and bleed when brushed, and they may be sensitive when you are eating. Luckily, there are a lot of dental teams able to offer scales and polishes to women suffering from pregnancy gingivitis, as well as antibacterial mouthwashes, so be sure to visit bafdentistry.com to book a dental appointment if you suspect you have gingivitis brought on by pregnancy.
2.Acid and Dental Erosion
In the first trimester of pregnancy, many women experience morning sickness, which should not actually be called morning sickness but rather sickness, as it can occur at any time of the day! This introduces acid to your mouth and your teeth, meaning that dental erosion is more likely. This is also worsened if you already suffer from acid reflux or gastroesophageal reflux disease. Your dental team will be able to provide you with fluoride sealants and an anti-acid mouthwash and may even recommend that you visit a doctor to have proton pump inhibitors prescribed to prevent further erosion of the teeth.
3.Pregnancy Cravings
Another fun part of pregnancy is the cravings!
It may seem fun to be eating that chocolate chip ice cream with a bag of crisps and pickles but these unusual food mixtures can heighten the chance of cavities. This is often the case when women are craving foods like fruits, chocolates and pasta. So, if you are suffering from extreme pregnancy cravings be sure to visit your dentist regularly to have any fillings fitted before they become serious.
Going back to that influx of progesterone and estrogen, in the third trimester of pregnancy, many women experience a condition known as pregnancy tumors, or granulomas, growing in their mouths. These are also known as epulis, and they can resemble overgrown oral tissue. They often appear on the roof of the mouth. Luckily, they are completely harmless in most cases and will resolve once the baby has been born. However, if you find that these growths are becoming painful or preventing you from eating, you need to visit your dentist to have them removed.
5.Preterm Labour
There is a link between preterm labor and poor oral health. Why? Well, research has linked this to a higher amount of plaque in the mouth, which could be removed with regular oral visits. So, if you have concerns that your oral health has gone a bit downhill prior to your pregnancy, a dental visit will be able to remove any plaque and, hopefully, allow you to deliver a healthy baby to term.