Flexeril is a prescription medicine whose general name is cyclobenzaprine. The medicine is a muscle relaxant, and it is given to patients suffering from painful conditions related to the musculoskeletal in the body. The behavior of Flexeril is slightly strange. When you start taking Flexeril, it tends to provide immediate effect, but the medicine becomes less effective after two weeks. In such a case, doctors usually don’t prescribe Flexeril for over ten days.
Because of the effect of Flexeril, it tends to be abused, and hence it is categorized as a Schedule Drug. This medicine is not addictive, but it can certainly be misused. Some people may even experience drowsiness after the consumption of Flexeril. Moreover, high dosage may lead to cognitive impairment.
How Long Does Flexeril Stay in Your System?
The half-life of Flexeril is 18 hours, and in general, the drug should be out of your system in four days. However, there are a lot of factors that would affect the same. So, if you have to go for a drug test, the Flexeril will be detectible for one day in blood, and it will be detectable for anywhere between 5 days to 13 days in urine. In hair, the Flexeril may show up till 15 days after the consumption has been stopped.
What are the Factors Impacting the Metabolism of Flexeril?
Multiple factors would impact the metabolism in each case. The first factor here is the dosage of the medicine and the frequency of the intake. Another factor is the metabolic rate. If you have a good metabolism, then the medicine will be expelled quickly, but if you have an impaired liver function, it will take some time before the Flexeril is expelled out of the system. Apart from this, your body weight also plays a role here. The higher the weight, the longer the drug will stay in your system. Lastly, age and health condition will play some role in this.
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