Ear wax is really annoying stuff. It might serve a purpose in protecting our ears and keeping them clean, but the ears don’t feel clean when that wax becomes excessive. They feel clogged and unpleasant. It can also get to the point where the wax gets uncomfortable and affects our hearing. If you’re currently in this situation and desperate to reduce the blockage and discomfort and restore your hearing, you need a solution. The sooner you get that wax out safely, the better you’ll feel. There are some helpful remedies and tools out there that can soften the wax and get your ears in much better shape. There are also some really bad ideas you need to avoid for fear of making the situation worse. Make the right call, and your ears will thank you for it.
How Not To Clean Out Ear Wax
Let’s start with the worst things you can do to clean out your ears. The go-to solution for many of us, whether we admit it or not, is to use our fingers to try and dig it out. It seems like a logical option when you have an annoying blockage, and your pinky finger is conveniently the right size and ready to use. The problem is that it’s also a wedge rather than a pick. It’s more likely to push ear wax deeper into your ear canal than to clear it out effectively. To make matters worse, there are all kinds of oils, dirt, and irritants on your finger that you don’t want in your ear.
So, fingers are out – literally – but what about cotton swabs? Those little Q-tips look like a more sanitary option for digging in and getting rid of all that ear gunk. That’s true, but it doesn’t mean they’re any more effective. They’re also likely to push wax into the ear canal or cause damage near the ear drum. Essentially, the golden rule here is to not insert anything of length into your ear and start digging around. So, what can we do instead?
Cleaning Out Ear Wax At Home
If you’re determined to loosen a blockage in one ear and want a home remedy, there are safe ear drops you can use that will break down the wax and open up the ear. Over-the-counter products exist and are, arguably, the most effective at dealing with the was and irrigating the ear. Look out for options with hydrogen peroxide in them.
If you prefer the idea of going for a completely natural remedy, some people do have success with natural oils, such as olive oil and almond oil. Whichever option you choose, all you have to do is lie on your side, drop the solution into the ear canal, and wait for up to 10 minutes. It might feel weird, but it should get to work pretty quickly. You then have the option of irrigating the ear to flush out the wax with a syringe if you wish to. Another tip for those looking to take the home remedy route is to take a hot shower first. The heat and steam can help open up the ear and start the softening process. If this doesn’t work, it might be time to call in the big guns.
Professional Ear Wax Removal
There will be times when the home remedy option isn’t enough. Either there’s too much of a build-up to deal with through basic peroxide drops and oils, or it’s beginning to affect your health. Once ear wax becomes so extreme that it’s affecting your hearing or you’re getting ear pain, it might be time to book an ear wax removal appointment. There are a few different ways that training professionals can get this wax out in an effective manner. Many use a more intensive version of the irrigation method with peroxide solution to ensure that everything gets flushed out. Others may use a curet to gently dig out the blockage. Then, there’s the microsuction approach.
Microsuction ear wax removal in Adelaide is an advantageous choice because of its effectiveness and user-friendly process. Irrigation works well but isn’t much fun for the patient because of the strange sensation in the ears. If you dislike the feeling of water in your ears in the shower, this isn’t going to be much fun. The curet is effective in the right hand, but it’s still a sharp implement entering the ear canal, so it may lead to some anxiety. Microsuction is different because the device is less invasive. It doesn’t touch the inside of the ear. Instead, it gently sucks away particles of wax over around 20-30 minutes. Some patients do feel mild discomfort, but the positive effects and results can make it worth doing.
The best Adelaide ear wax removal specialists can make sure that your experience is as simple and comfortable as possible. You can put your trust in these experts to provide the very best care and get your ears back to how they should be. Also, if ear wax build-up is a common, recurring problem for you, you have someone to trust whenever you need them. You can set up an appointment at the clinic with someone you know is gentle and thorough enough to get the result you’re looking for.
Check Out Adelaide Ear War Removal Near You
There are two important lessons here. The first is that as tempting as it is to start digging around at annoying earwax, you’re probably just going to make things worse. Don’t use your fingers, and leave the cotton swab alone. The second is that while home remedies can be effective in the right manner, you’re going to get a better result with professional care. Expert microsuction is the ultimate way to ensure that every last particle of ear wax is out of your ear canal without the risk of damage or hearing issues. So, if you think it’s time to give up on ear drops and let a professional take a look inside those blocked ears, get in touch with a local ear wax removal team today.