For aesthetic and treatment purpose, it is an injection; it is given into the body using botulinum toxin. The local area of it performed helps reduce contractions of muscles hence it is used to eliminate wrinkles all through treating some medical conditions that have close relationship with muscle contractions.
What is Botox Used for?
Botox has mainly been associated with cosmetic use, but it is used for medical purposes as well. Let’s take a closer look at both:
Wrinkle Reduction:
Botox is FDA approved to treat the moderate to severe wrinkles which are present in the upper half of the face such as frown lines, crow’s feet, and forehead lines. Because it helps to demuscle the overlying skin to allow for the smoothing out of previously existing lines and to resist the formation of the new ones.
Preventative Treatment:
A lot of people would rather begin Botox in order to avoid deep lines developing in the first place. It’s best to incorporate it in the early stages of experiencing wrinkles so that its use halts the situation right in its tracks.
Facial Slimming:
Botox treatment is used to shrink the size of the masseter muscles at the lower face for slimmer look. This can help make the face look fewer oval and female in shape.
Lip Flip:
When performed correctly, the upper lip is flipped for the appropriate Botox injections which give the lip edges a slight lift. This is a relatively new procedure that is common among people who want to make their Cupid’s bow more pronounced.
Gummy Smile Correction:
This can also be tackled by strategically injecting Botox into the upper lip to rectify the situation, where smiling too much shows a lot of gum. This aids in fixing a gummy smile in a much better position.
Neck Bands:
Neck lines, especially if they create “necklace” bands can be remedied with careful injections of Botox and the neck will seem more supple.
Cervical Dystonia:
Muscular dystonia that happens at the cervical area to bring about involuntary spasms in the neck and shoulders can be treated with the help of Botox injections.
According to studies, botulinum toxin A zaps the nerves in the affected area, and it can be effective in treating hyperhidrosis.
It has been used to help with migraines by relaxing the forehead and neck muscles in patients for which migraines have been less frequent.
Strabismus (Crossed Eyes):
Botox is administered into muscles around the eyes so that the eyes could be properly aligned in case of strabismus or “cross eyed”.
Cosmetic use of Botox injections can be effective in treating pathological blink-related eyelid spasms of blepharospasm.
The Botox Procedure
Botox treatment can be accomplished in a few minutes and is not invasive. Here’s what you can expect:
A consultation will involve a facial examination, assessment of past medical history pro forma, and intended treatment plan. The appropriate treatment depends on this.
The area around the injection site will be sanitized and you may receive a topical anesthetic for comfort’s sake.
In the administration of Botox, your provider will use very fine needle and administer small amount of Botox to the muscles one by one. The number of injections varies with regards to the areas of the body that are being treated.
Surgery may be later followed by cold compresses to minimize swelling and bruising. Many people are able to get back to a normal routine right after the treatment as there is no long recovery time.
How Long Does Botox Last?
The longevity of Botox can vary depending on several factors, including:
The area treated:
Areas such as crow’s fees will last for three or four months, whereas the forehead area takes four to six months. Other areas, such as the area between the eyebrows, take longer since there is much movement during the day.
The dose:
It is also stated that the higher does of the compound can lead to longer paralyzation of the given muscles. But, the specially outlined dosing is vital for the outcome and the realistic look on skin.
Your metabolism:
Some people metabolize Botox faster than others, which means those with a fast metabolism will need to have the injection done all over again much earlier. Poor metabolism means Botox lasts longer between sessions with people who have slow metabolism rates.
Your lifestyle:
People who make more vigorous movements of the facial muscles and frowns certainly wear of Botox faster. This has shown that moderate exercise and healthy dieting can reverse the longevity issues that are associated with Botox.
What are the Side Effects of Botox?
Botox is a safe procedure when administered in the right manner and only by qualified personnel. As with any kind of surgery or procedure there are side effects that may be associated with the process. The most common side effects are mild and temporary, including:
Some patients experience bruising localized at the sites of injection but they usually disappear in days.
Slight pain, redness or swelling may appear at the site of the injections and can resolve in two days.
Patients should avoid rubbing their head after treatment as some of them may develop headaches that are usually relieved soon.
Drooping eyelid or eyebrow:
If Botox migrates into neighboring muscles the result can be a drooping eyelid or brow; however this does not happen often when a qualified specialist injects the material.
Serious side effects are rare but can include:
Allergic reaction:
Side effects of Botox are quite rare, and no serious allergies have been reported yet. People with allergies should not go for the treatment because of the ingredients used in Botox.
Muscle weakness:
When Botox migrates to the muscles that will neighbor the injected area, they too can be paralyzed, but only temporarily. However, this risk is avoidable by correct injection technique.
Vision problems:
Botox could spread to the muscles that control the location of the eyes; however, severe disability is not possible.
Difficulty swallowing or speaking:
Occasionally, if Botox is used to relax the throat muscles around the neck area, people find it hard to swallow or their voices become hoarse.
Choosing a Botox Provider
It is recommended that an expert and skilled Botox provider be selected to get a good initial result with no side effects. Here are some things to consider when choosing a Botox medical spa:
Qualifications: For good reason, consult educated physicians such as dermatologists, plastic surgeons, & oculoplastic surgeons since they are fully licensed. Many medi-spas are on risky ground when there is no medical supervision.
Experience: Lack of equal experience levels so no query about how many Botox procedures they did in a year. Instead look for injectors who are skilled with their hands and have an eye for artistry.
Reputation: Take time to read patients’ feedbacks and ask the doctor to show them photos of similar patients before and after the surgery. Avoid too good to be true cheap offers too.
Consultation: Make an appointment to get acquainted with your health care provider as well as to set objectives of treatment that can result in best effects.
When administered by a professional, the results of Botox give the face a youthful appearance and can also help eradicate medical conditions that involve muscular twisting when applied correctly. However, potential side effects are reported, and though their occurrence is rare, direction on how to use the inhaler and the right dosage is important to avoid the above side effects. Be very selective when choosing your provider and make sure that the person injecting you is a professional and experienced. If you are thinking of using Botox, be sure to make an initial appointment to assess your suitability for this procedure.